Student council supports the Welcome team
Before the holidays, the Head of the Welcome Team Section of the Student Council, Anabel 6B, had a meeting with Miss Jules how to support new families.
By Julie Joly, Welcome Team Coordinator & Administration
At the meeting Miss Jules explained the purpose of the Welcome Team, how it operates and what the Student Council (WT Section) can do to help.
Anabel’s first task was to diffuse this information to her team (Snithik 6A, Aarna 7A and Adam 5B). And once they are all aware of their roles and responsibilities they can also start Meeting & Greeting new families and get started on their first important mission. “How to quickly obtain photos of the rest of the Welcome Team volunteers”! 😉. In a more recent meeting they also thought of the idea of creating a Student Welcome Team, so this is something we can discuss further as well.
Well done Anabel, and team for being so forward thinking and working with us in making all new families feel welcome!
Recap of our Welcome Team
Since the launch of our Welcome Team (WT) initiative at OIS two years ago, the number of volunteer parents has tripled, to an astounding 35 dedicated individuals. The purpose of the WT is to go that extra mile in support of new families at the enquiry stage, after acceptance of a place or on arrival. This support can last for as long as necessary until they “settle in”. It is a true bonus “parent-to-parent“ service that the school offers and many take advantage of it.
Read more about our Welcome Team here.