New Playground Unveiled!
As you have all seen, we had a playground upgrade in September! After months of anticipation, the upgraded playground is now being enjoyed by all the students. This project has been a long time in the making, and our students played a key role in making it happen.
By Chantal Lenferna De La Motte, Group 5A Teacher
The playground upgrade has been a major goal for our student council. When they learned that the Gemeente was considering an upgrade, our student council members jumped at the chance to get involved. They represented the entire student body, sharing ideas and suggestions to make the playground as fun and engaging as possible. They even joined a video call in May with the Gemeente, where they discussed ideas, colours, and preferred equipment. It was wonderful to see them share their voices in a meaningful way!
The first few weeks of this school, students watched with excitement as builders brought the new playground to life—moving sand, setting up new structures, and adding finishing touches. Finally, on Monday, September 23rd, we held a special ribbon-cutting ceremony, attended by the entire school, to officially open the playground.
This playground upgrade is a testament to the power of student voices and teamwork. We’re incredibly proud of our student council members who worked so hard to make this dream a reality. Thanks to them, everyone now has a fresh and exciting playground to enjoy for years to come.