Let’s Make a Splash
One of the perks of being in Group 3…every Monday students get to enjoy the afternoon by jumping in the local pool for swimming lessons. This is my first year as the swimming coordinator for the Group 3 students, and so far, it has been a blast!
By Roland Schmidt, Teaching Assistant Milespot 1, Swimming coordinator
Building confidence in the pool
As the swimming coordinator, I am responsible for bridging the communication between our local pool and OIS. It’s a privilege to be able to accompany our group 3 students. Most of these students I know already from last year in group 2. So seeing them take the plunge in the pool in group 3 brings a smile to my heart.
One of my favourite things about swimming lessons is being able to see first-hand the type of activities the swim teachers use to build confidence in the water, in our students. There are four different swim instructors and four different groups to accommodate the various skill levels of our students.
it’s been so inspiring to watch, I even got permission to join our beginning swimmers in the pool and lend a helping hand. So now, every Monday, I also bring my swim kit and jump in the pool too! In the photo, Dragos from 3b is practicing his ‘crocodile arms’ to hold him up in the pool, with his legs stretched out in the water, all the while blowing short controlled breaths on the small pool toys. The children know they are doing do it correctly, as the pool toy will flip in the water. Each side of the pool toy has a different colour to clearly show this.

I am so grateful that OIS has included swimming as a part of the Group 3 curriculum. (It is also a part of the Group 4 curriculum. They go to the pool every Tuesday with their Swimming Coordinator Ms.Chrysa).
During the swimming lessons they develop essential water safety skills and basic swimming techniques, which helps children develop strength, endurance, improve coordination, and enhance motor skills.
Living in the Netherlands, with canals everywhere, being able to swim is an important life skill. I’m proud to work at a school that goes above and beyond and allows our students to bring out their inner magic in a variety of ways!!