A new step to student progress tracking
We are excited to announce the launch of Learning Ladders, our school-wide student progress tracking tool on 13 November 2023.
By Colleen Cropp, Leader of Learning
How does it work?
At the end of the last academic year, we successfully generated student progress reports using Learning Ladders for the first time. We are excited to take this a step further by introducing the Ladders at Home portal for parents of Group 2 to 7 students.
For our Early Years parents this portal was introduced in the previous academic year; and we have received positive feedback regarding its benefits. Starting Monday, 13 November, we will be rolling out Learning Ladders to the entire school community. This initiative aims to foster a stronger connection between home and school, enabling parents to actively participate in their child’s educational journey
Through the portal we look forward to sharing your child’s progress against learning goals taught at school. In this way we hope to encourage learning conversations not only at school but also at home. With Learning Ladders, you can now see what learning goals your child is currently working on at school and you can engage in discussions about their learning experiences and achievements.
Key features
Learning Ladders has some fantastic features, including
- Detailed insights: You can view the objectives that your own child is currently working on in class, providing you with valuable insights into their educational development.
- Multilingual support: Learning Ladders offers an incredible feature allowing the portal to be translated into over 100 different languages, ensuring accessibility for all parents.
- Teacher involvement: Teachers can upload noteworthy evidence to support and demonstrate some of the ways that your child is achieving their goals. This evidence forms a portfolio of examples of your child’s learning journey over the year.

We are dedicated to ensuring that you have all the necessary information to make the most of this tool. To facilitate your seamless transition into using Learning Ladders, we will be conducting a webinar shortly.
Please keep an eye on your Parro messages for detailed instructions on how to participate and make the most out of this informative session.