Great hockey moves
On October 15 students from OIS showed off their amazing hockey skills at a recent school hockey tournament.
By Sandra Koehler, PE Teacher
On the first Saturday of the autumn holidays, we had two OIS teams who participated in the school hockey day at MHC De Reigers. We also had two OIS students who joined the team of our Dutch sister school Optimist.
In the morning, the EYs and group 2 team were introduced to hockey through games, knot hockey and ring hockey. The children had a fun and sporty morning.
In the afternoon the team of groups 5 and 6 played their matches on small fields, and with great success. They won all their matches under the watchful eye of their proud parents.
Interested in hockey?
Your child can train twice for free at MHC. Find the flyer in the reception area at school or go online to https://www.mhcdereigers.nl/site/ or email proeftraining@mhcdereigers.nl