Going back in time
We jumped in our own built timemachine and went back in time to the 70s
By Roland Schmidt, Teamleader Milepost 1 and Teaching Assistant
We are heading back in time with our newest IPC unit ‘Time Travelers,’ (cue the theme song to Back to the Future). However, unlike Marty McFly, we are not heading back to 1955, we are heading to the 1970’s!
To begin our history hunt, we all jumped in our very own time machine and made toys from the past and compared them to the toys of today.

Our Time Travelers unit is a great chance to explore the IPC History Goals, such as ordering events or objects chronologically and being able to suggest reasons for change. Looking back about 50 years ago into the 1970’s, students are able to explore music and pop icons, the first jumbo jet and even dip into the social messages that pervaded in this era.
Units like this really allow us educators to ‘bring out our own inner magic’ in order to provide a rich, engaging learning environment.