Giga Groen - Dutch Book Week Celebrations
OIS has been rather busy celebrating Dutch Book Week this year. The theme was GiGa Groen –‘Super Green’ which focused on nature and our beautiful planet. We organised many activities, including home language reading, bookfair and dress up day.
By Margit Tera, Multilinguallearning Specialist and Teacher
Home Language Reading
Every afternoon the children had the opportunity to join a home language reading session. In total we had14 different home language sessions; Dutch, Turkish, Tamil, Russian, Malayalam, Polish, Romanian, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Telugu and Afrikaans!
A big shout out to our parents for being such fabulous reading partners: Ivo, Nursen, Natalia, Javier, Parvathy, Ania, Denisa, Dana, Julia, Namrata, Cristina, Ludmila, Ritu, Shital, Surya, Ms Rolyn.
OIS Book Fair
Many home libraries have been nicely stocked up after our successful OIS Book Fair. We had companies such as Lappa Books, Rainbow Corner Books, Booksnative and Boo-ka-Boo joining us. The children had the opportunity to discover all new books and the parents could come in before and afterschool to browse as well. You can still contact the companies for more orders! Booksnative and Boo-ka-Boo are located in Hoofddorp.
Scholastic Online Book Fair is also still open and orders can be placed till 17 October https://eu-schools.scholastic.co.uk/optimist-international/digital-book-club. If you haven’t ordered yet, why not take a look at some of the great offers across a huge range of titles. Every order earns free books for our school. All books will be sent to school and we expect to receive them by 1 November.
To finish off these magical two weeks, we had dress up day! Thank you to each OIS community member for sharing the love of reading!