Celebrating Koningsspelen
End April, OIS held its annual Koningsspelen events. Both days were filled with energy, sports, and a sea of orange, marking a successful and fun occasion for all.
Manon Blaxland, PR & Communications
On 24th April, we organised the Kings games for our younger students. Despite the rain, we adapted quickly and moved our activities indoors. Our gym hall was transformed into a great sports arena, where children enjoyed fun, indoor games and activities.
Our older students had better luck with the Dutch weather and were able to celebrate it two days later at the official athletics field – Arnolduspark. The track allowed for more extensive sporting events, where students showcased their athletic skills and teamwork through high jumps, archery, sprints, and more.
Each of the days we started with the Koningsspelen song which this year was called Daba Die Daba Da 🙂

What are Koningsspelen?
Koningsspelen, or King’s Games, is a sporty celebration of our King’s Day, involving nearly 1.3 million children from 6,300 primary schools across the Netherlands, the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, and Dutch schools abroad. Traditionally held on the last Friday before King’s Day, Koningsspelen encourages children to participate in various sports and activities, promoting physical fitness and a bit of national pride, of course!
Community involvement
A significant factor in the success of the Koningsspelen was the enthusiasm and dedication of our students, staff, and parent volunteers. This ensured that everything ran smoothly and safely, making the experience enjoyable for everyone involved.
These events not only celebrated King’s Day but also fostered a spirit of community and physical well-being!