Agent en Boef explore languages and talents
Group 5 had a great time while working on a project in their Dutch as an Additional Language (DAL) class, combining multilingualism, Total Physical Response teaching, and expressive arts.
By Valentina Spyropoulou - Multilingual Learning SpecialistExploring languages and talents
Both classes embarked on an exciting journey with the book ‘Agent en de Boef’ to practice their understanding of verbs and fixed prepositions. To make this learning experience more interesting our dedicated Dutch teacher Ms. Marjolein, transformed it into a multilingual and expressive project.

By incorporating Comprehensible Input, which focuses on providing learners with meaningful language input that they can understand, even if they are not yet proficient in the target language, Ms. Marjolein provided a platform for the children to explore their languages alongside Dutch. Group 5A wrote scripts based on the book and took to the stage to perform their play. In Group 5B, each child chose their favourite part of the book, illustrated it, and translated into their chosen language; finally, the children narrated the story both in Dutch, and their respective languages.
Both performances happened within a learning celebration where parents and colleagues were invited to join in the celebration of their achievements.